Cigarettes Can Hurt More Than Just Ourselves


What’s the Problem?

Cigarettes are a leading topic in aquatic and terrestrial waste.

Why is this Important?

The annual amount of cigarette butts that are thrown on the ground is around 1.7 billion lbs. Chemicals in these cigarettes such as lead, arsenic, and nicotine prove very toxic to animals and plants that are in the vicinity of cigarette butts. Not only are they harmful in waste, but also are a leading cause of forest fires.

How can YOU Help?

Obviously, if we could get everyone to stop smoking cigarettes then this issue could go away, but the chance of that happening is not in the seeable future. Instead, a great way to help in your local community is bypassing laws at your local town court. Passing laws that ticket anyone who is seen throwing cigarettes on the floor or implementing cigarette-specific bins that encourage safer disposal of the cigarettes.

Get Involved:

Spread awareness for the impacts of cigarettes on the environment.

Organizations to Support

Truth Initiative

“Truth Initiative is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past. Our mission is clear: achieve a culture where young people reject smoking, vaping, and nicotine” (Our Mission, Truth Initiative).

National and State Tobacco Control Program

"The Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) helps states and communities implement tobacco control programs by featuring national and local campaigns and events, linking to state and community resources, producing guidelines, and compiling data” (CDC, State and Community).

Petitions to Support

To learn more visit the World Health Organization’s Report!


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